Why Greed Is Bad and How You Can Be Better at Success

Why Greed Is Bad and How You Can Be Better at Success

Merriam Webster defines greed to be “an excessive and selfish desire for more (such as money) that is necessary.”

Gordon Gekko was the one who made greed a popular theme in popular culture. The spirit of Gekko is still alive today in many ways. The market set new records last year and a lot of money was made. Last year, the S&P 500 rose approximately 20%, the Dow 25%, and the NASDAQ nearly 30%.

It is part of our human nature to be greedy. Many historical events have been attributed to greed in the human history arc. The insatiable need for power, territory, money, and money has led to many historical events, including conquests and wars. It is likely that greed will continue to be a constant companion in the future.

How Greed looks in Business

Business greed can be disguised in many different ways. It can disguise itself with buzz words to motivate the team, such as vision, goals, and motivation. One example is a company that wants to be in the education sector. However, the CEO doesn’t want money. The lack of authenticity around greed or money creates tension in the company. People believe in the vision and goals of the company. Until they don’t. You can’t hide the desire for too long.

Many people consider greed an essential part of success. They’ll tell you that greed is a prerequisite for success in business. They will ask you, “How can you think of succeeding without greed?”

They will tell you that the more, the better.

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Greed: The Problem

People want to succeed, and money and profit are the keys to business success. However, greed is not limited to success. Greed never stops. Desire is always hungry and will consume more. Some firms have been known to reduce the stock prices of companies they wish to acquire. Then they quickly disintegrate the company and sell assets that are worth more than the entire group. People have lost their livelihoods and lives as a result of greed in many companies.

There is no limit to the amount of profit, assets, income, territory, or other resources that Greed can use. It will always be more, and more, and more, and more, and more.

How to temper Greed

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be successful in business, life, and money. You have to be content with what you have achieved. If there is more, it’s just icing on top. A disposition that isn’t greedy does not possess a burning desire to get more for yourself and others.

Unchecked greed is bad. It’s destructive and all about the acquisition. It is harmful and dangerous. It is cynical and unquenchable.

There are many ways to assess yourself and ensure you don’t get caught in the “death spiral” of greed.

You can have success if you are driven by your passion. Refocus your energy on your personal growth and the positive impact on your life and the lives of others.

You should be focusing on the richness of spirit and meaning. Take the time to look at the positive aspects of personal growth and success. It’s not about what external goals you achieve. Instead, it should be about how you can improve your internal capabilities.
Your success can mean more money or expertise for you, so make it a point of giving some to charitable causes. No matter how many years you have lived, there are always others who would love to be in your shoes.
Enjoy the ride. It is a fact that the higher you climb the ladder of success, the more difficult it is to look down in fear of losing your way. Instead, keep your eyes on the “view” at all times. Refrain from taking a moment to reflect on the journey you have taken. You can keep greed away by savoring, building appreciation, and gratitude.
Be kind–always. The best way to find success is to be kind and considerate of others.

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