There Is NO HOPE For The “Younger” Generation – WRONG!

There Is NO HOPE For The Younger Generation - WRONG!

I’ve recently begun speaking to students at an area high school as part of the fantastic junior Achievement program. Why? Because I’m trying to determine the possibility of a bright future in our next generation. I’m glad to say… THERE IS HOPE!

Don’t believe in the myth that younger generations don’t desire to put in the effort. They may think they’re lazy or spoiled. My experience of speaking with over 100 seniors every week is exactly the opposite. They are incredibly minded dedicated to making something out of their lives, and, without a doubt, they are in search of more!

Here are a few notes from me:

1. They are concerned about the expense of college.

One student believes that the price of college could “break” the system. He doesn’t believe that students or families will be capable of paying for the top-of-the-line college. With tuition for top-tier colleges at the moment ranging from $65,000-$70,000 each year, I think the professor is correct. Many students view the college experience in a different way. They are considering two years of junior college before transferring to a prestigious institution to complete their degree. They are aware of the benefits of this method and the savings in cost. They would like to have the ability. However, they don’t want to take on credit card debt.

2. They are aware of the price of everything.

I am amazed by how enthralled many students are at the price of everything. Insurance, car repairs, clothing, and eating out are a part of their daily lives, and they know that work can pay for everything.

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3. They are able to do business.

My students are aware of the business process in a way that is acceptable for their years of age. They know about expenses, revenue, and net profits. While business isn’t taught in schools, my students have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of economics and business flow. Supply and demand are not something they are unfamiliar with.

4. They are very positive.

Despite the notion that the younger generation is shut off from their smartphones (and they love their smartphones), the fact is that communication is not an issue. Once they are talking, they’re filled with chatterboxes.

5. Work is not a word with four letters.

Most of my students in three classes work. Some are employed in restaurants, others as nannies, and another runs his own business. Absolutely, I would not claim that the younger generation isn’t hesitant to work. They enjoy their hobbies and interests and realize that working for money is how they achieve their goals.

6. What do they require – Mentoring.

Mentoring is not present within their daily lives… that’s obvious to me. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that both parents work and have a lot of work to do, or they’re not being mentored by good people from coaches, teachers, or bosses. It is evident to me that they’re in need of additional mentors to guide them in life. What are you doing to become one? Being one was an absolute pleasure for me.

There is optimism… actually hope for the younger generation. Don’t let them down, and don’t fall for the flimsy propaganda in the news, and a lot older people (I’m aged 47) consider them. They’ll need greater education, more abilities, and, most importantly, MORE MENTORING and a lot of it, but who does not?

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