Factors That May Have an Impact on Breweries Equipment Cost

Factors That May Have an Impact on Breweries Equipment Cost

There are many sizes of a brewery, including small units or large commercial units. These systems employ a variety of processes depending on the beer type and automation. In large breweries, for example, the process of making beer is broken down into several sections. We will be discussing the cost of equipment for breweries in this article. Continue reading.

Factors that could have an effect on the brewery equipment cost

Breweries need to calculate the equipment cost according to the beer volume they plan on producing. The cost of equipment can be affected by three factors: the material, the new/used equipment, and the size of the brewery.

Material for Brewery Equipment

Equipment is usually made from different materials. The most popular materials are copper and stainless steel.

Brewery Equipment Condition

Equipment costs can vary depending on the size and whether the item is new or used. Many new business owners are limited on budget. They opt for second-hand equipment. Below is the most commonly used equipment for the business.

Storage tanks
Fermentation tanks
These, along with cleaning tools, fridges, bottles, cooling equipment, and filters, are all essential equipment regardless of brewery size.
The Brewhouse’s size

Brewhouses have many components, including a whirlpool and boil kettle, hot liquor tanks, hot liquor tanks, lauter tun, and mash mix. A 5-vessel brewhouse is suitable for larger units. Each component of the brewhouse is its own vessel. Equipment costs will vary depending on how large the team is.

Fermentation tanks

The next stage in the process after the preparation of the wrot is fermentation. The fermentation takes place in tanks with cone-shaped bottoms. Small tanks cost around $400, while larger units can cost up to $2,500.

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Brite Tanks

After the beer has been filtered, it is transferred to a second tank for secondary fermentation. The Brite tank allows the beer to clarify and carbonate prior to being moved into kegs. The bright tanks are also used by time breweries to serve beer.

The non-jacketed brite tank may be between $1,400 to $4,600 for a 1-bbl or 7-bbl model, respectively. A 5-bbl tank costs $5,800. For custom quotes on large tanks, contact the supplier.


Brewers use beer kegs for beer storage even though they may store beer in bottles or cans eventually. They may also sell or serve beer in barrels to restaurants and bars. A 0.5-bbl keg is the most popular size and sells for $125.

Kegs can also be washed to preserve the flavor and prevent any spoilage. Small breweries may wash barrels by hand, but larger units can be cleaned with a keg washer to save time and money.

The Takeaway

The cost of brewery equipment depends on many factors such as location, licensing fees, building expenses, and the size of the brewery. These factors should be considered when making a decision.