Enrich Your Life With “Richuals”

Enrich Your Life With Richuals

They are changing with the times. They’ve constantly been changing. We live in a constant state of change. It can feel overwhelming to see the speed at which technology advances allow for rapid change. Over-informed, under-rested, and over-informed are some of the consequences. In the midst of the chaos created by our nanosecond lifestyles and the chaos that surrounds us, there is an oxymoronic need to be constant. This constancy can be easily found in “rituals,” celebrations and ceremonies that give purpose to life, and life purpose, especially at work.


These suggestions will hopefully create consistency in terms of value. This is not just about the traditional reasons for rituals such as comings and goings or births and death, entry and exits of any kind. This collection contains rituals that will enrich your workplace and the communities where it is located. The spelling of “enrichment” is used in conjunction with “rituals.” Rituals are repeated activities that incite anticipation. They are also infused with gratitude and opportunities to do good deeds for others. These activities can help to reduce stress and isolation.

Rituals are used to create a culture in the workplace and to unify people separated by time, space, or cyberspace. Patterns were created for busy people who have too many things to do and not enough time. They are easy to use, simple to implement, and very user-friendly. They are a simple way to translate your desire into action.

Rituals can help you build teams, partnerships, or buildings for the homeless. As you join your corps in these endeavours, you will feel empowered, stable, and inspired. The ceremonies that recognize our commonalities and celebrate the differences that make us different will bring you joy. You can trust that joy.

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We find our missions more meaningful and more personal when we have enriching rituals woven into the corporate fabric. They also make us feel more proud of our work.


Rituals are open to anyone at any level of an organization. A once-a-week victualing program may be an excellent way to make the rituals program official. The micro approach can be used to stimulate dress-down Fridays or at staff meetings on Mondays. It is possible to create a team similar to the Joy Club at Ben & Jerry’s, where “fun” and “work” are synonymous. You can also take the macro approach and use the rituals across the entire organization. Customers should be informed about your efforts, and perhaps even local media. For a way of shared joy, involve as many people as you can.


One ritual per week is recommended. The ritual will become the performing of ways if you follow the sequence that will be described in future articles. You can also choose a tradition randomly and use it for a specific occasion, such as National Volunteers Week or Quality Month. It is possible to find one that you love and use it every week. For example, the “Small Change” idea (#1) can easily be a ritual in and of itself 52 times per year.

Moreover, some rituals are also associated with national celebrations, such as Reconciliation Day (Ritual #12, Throw Angsters Away) or National American Indian Heritage Month (#40), “Fill Your Dreamcatcher”.


Rituals are goodwill and do-good activities that go beyond recognition programs and rewards. Rituals are unique and should be repeated only once in a while. Some rituals should have an annual ceremony; others can become rich by virtue of work events, such as retirement.

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As you read the books, you can determine which ones are appropriate for your particular circumstances and your job. Rituals are often associated with passage rites. Traditions are essential at birth, death, transitions, alliances and in life. There are two common themes in traditional rituals and rituals at work: “Transition” and “change.”

In the upcoming articles, rituals will also celebrate human passages. These rituals, however, do not focus on change. They focus instead on constancy. This is a way to continually acknowledge and cherish the human spirit as well as the generosity of which it is so capable. These common threads are woven into a quilt that contains many patches that aim to bring joy, laughter, appreciation, and joy. They enrich our spirits and our lives.


Rituals can be performed informally in a staff meeting or, more formally, at an off-site meeting at a hotel. They can be done in the outside world or in cyberspace. They can be posted on the P.A. They can be announced on the P.A. or in local newspapers. Use your creativity to find the most enriching activities and the fellowship that follows.


Answering the question “How” depends on many factors: what ritual was chosen, who or what individuals are involved, how long can be allocated, and how much interest others may have. We recommend that you choose a ritual that is “calling” to you. Discuss it with your colleagues. Discuss the plan with colleagues. Determine how much money, time and effort it will take to conduct the ritual ceremony.

You can share your plan with anyone who might be interested in it. Next, implement your plan and continue implementing it. It is not worth repeating if it fails to work.
Toynbee’s Law of Progressive Simplification will help you in your soul-affirming endeavours: “The measure of civilization’s growth is its ability to shift increasing amounts of energy from the material to the educational, psychological and cultural sides of life.”

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These rituals, two of which are listed below, will provide more than enough food to satisfy philanthropic needs, more than enough nourishment and healing for the soul, as well as enough food for your charitable desires.

#1 Make significant changes with minor changes
Designate one person as the collector of loose currency. Ask your colleagues to collect all small coins on Fridays before they rush off for a weekend of fun.
Sponsor a child living in poverty in another country if you have $15.00 per month.

Save-the-Children Foundation is one example of a foundation that can help you make a significant impact on a child’s life.

They can be reached at 1-800-728 3843. They will help families and communities to develop their community. You will be able to correspond with the child that you are saving, and they will send an annual report on their development activities.

#2 -Award Your Own Eponyms
There are the Toni’s of Broadway, the Emmys and the Oscars. Name an award that recognizes someone who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in a specific area of organizational value. You don’t have to limit your search to existing employees. Who truly serves customers? Who is able to manage a team effectively? Who truly values quality? This is the person whose name will be used to recognize the exceptional attributes he has.

After the award is established and a ceremony to honour the recipient, subsequent recipients can be identified regularly and presented with the award.