Energy Use Reduction in Industrial Refrigeration Plants With Minimal Capital Expenditure

Energy Use Reduction in Industrial Refrigeration Plants With Minimal Capital Expenditure

Condensing Pressure drives energy use in Refrigeration Plants.

A refrigeration system will “produce” an identical quantity of cold but with different degrees of pressure for condensing. While pressure variations can do not affect a compressor’s performance, these variations do make considerable differences to the final result. That is, a decrease of 2 psig in the condensing pressure can reduce the energy consumption by 12 percent.

It may not sound as much, but back when the cost of energy was low industrial refrigeration systems were usually placed at high condensing pressure levels in order to make operation easier. Nowadays, when controls are more affordable, and power is more affordable, the pressure of packing can be reduced by 30 to 80 psi for most facilities which can reduce energy consumption by 15 to 40 percent.

In general, in Ontario, the province, a mid-sized industrial refrigeration system uses about 600 dollars of power per one horsepower of its compressor each year. The reduction of 40% energy consumption in a 200 HP refrigeration facility will result in CA$40,000 to $50,000 in savings directly on the bottom line every year.

If the Product is lost, What is the point of concern about refrigerator Efficiency?

Cutting energy use is valuable, but only so long as the system thoroughly performs its design functions and works within manufacturer-recommended specifications.

The reduction of energy use in the refrigeration system isn’t as easy as turning off or dimming the lights. Alongside lowering the pressure of condensing, the energy usage is reduced through floating suction and condensing pressures, improving the hot gas defrosting procedures as well as optimizing the operating sequence of compressors and other methods.

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But this isn’t to say that none of these strategies are easy or straightforward. A thorough understanding of a particular system’s design and operation, as well as the refrigeration technology generally, along with the careful implementation of needed changes, is essential in reducing costs and ensuring an efficient operation.

Theoretical Meets Real Life

There are numerous studies that highlight the advantages of optimization in industrial refrigeration; many companies are hesitant to change the settings that have been in use for decades. Common arguments against making changes include:

“This is the way we’ve always done it.”

“Our refrigeration maintenance company deals in this.”

“It is working right now; why would you touch it?”

“We are not able to be able to save money, as a myriad of variables affect how much energy we use.”

These are all crucial factors, but they should not be a hindrance to the effective operation of a plant. These issues are overcome by education, collaboration with refrigeration equipment, and contractors’ suppliers. Communication of the anticipated results as well as the process at various levels within the organization is crucial.

Savings in real-world situations can be calculated by following the guidelines provided by the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP). This protocol outlines the best practices in efficiency measurement and verification, which includes calculations of saving based on the comparison of properly established “before” as well as “after” usage baselines.

Automation and Deep Changes Bring the Deepest Cost Reduction

In the majority of industrial refrigeration facilities, the pressure of condensing can be reduced to less than 100 psi if minor technical obstacles are removed. This reduction in force would reduce the consumption by 2040% and require minimal capital investment in the event of any. A proper installation and setting on variable frequency drives in condenser fan brine pumps, condenser fans, and circulation pumps will decrease consumption by 1015 percent. Prior to incentives for utilities and the introduction of these modifications would result in the potential for a six-to-18-month return.

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