Blu-Ray DVD Duplication From a Customer’s Perspective

Blu-Ray DVD Duplication From a Customer's Perspective

September 2014 – The Blu-beam DVD Project

I work for an organization that spends significant time delivering printed preparing material. It’s an extraordinary old preparation material. However, we work basically with Marine/Maritime enterprises all around the world like Oil and Gas Extraction, Ship Repair, Marine and Deep Sea Salvage, among others. We have, as of late, expanded our scope of administrations to incorporate the creation of top-notch preparing recordings focused on the more extensive scope organizations who might be preparing a few hundred workforces at any one time. The primary bunch of recordings that we delivered was amazingly generally welcomed, and we have had inquiries from many sources about creating more complete and itemized recordings.

At the point when a Standard DVD Just Isn’t Enough

Our first scope of recordings was either copied onto standard 4.7 GB limit DVD circles or was displayed to prepare delegates utilizing a projector through a PC. The solicitations we were getting all the more as of late were for printed copies of the video preparing material, so we unexpectedly ended up requiring a respectable provider of DVD duplication administrations as the preparation recordings created and turned out to be more definite and inside and out, the size of the video documents began to turn into the main problem. The standard DVDs simply didn’t have the limit we really wanted, and this was combined with the way that we were being mentioned for superior quality video as much of the time the video was expected for the show during in-house instructional courses before projector screens with a room brimming with learners.

I was entrusted with fulfilling this necessity as I was working with the video creation group and had some involvement in video altering and, furthermore, with PC fine art programming like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. My initial step was to scan the web for UK-based organizations who were at present contributing a DVD duplication administration to check whether they could offer guidance. True to form, there were many secular organizations with great sites and a great deal of positive client input. My typical methodology with these things is to convey an inquiry email and see who hits me up first so I can sound them out and settle on a decision on what will be least demanding to manage. Around ten minutes subsequent to making the inquiry, I had a call from a courteous fellow named Harry, who was a task director with one of the more extensive UK-based CD and DVD duplication organizations. Harry was genuinely learned and considerate and appeared to be somebody who I could cheerfully manage.

The Blu-beam DVD Duplication Solution

I talked about the subtleties of the venture and its prerequisites with Harry, and he encouraged me to go for Blu-beam DVD duplication. A Blu-beam DVD can hold up to 25GB of video information on a solitary layer plate and 50GB on a solitary, double layer circle; thus, we could undoubtedly accommodate our superior quality video documents onto a solitary circle for playback by means of a Blu-beam DVD player or PC/PC with a Blu-beam viable drive. The cycle for creating an intuitive menu is as old as a standard DVD. Thus, we would have the option to work with Harry on that side of the task too. Blu-beam DVDs are over double the expense of standard DVDs, and duplication costs additionally will quite often be higher because of the more significant records and weighty more noteworthy time span needed for duplication yet we had a quickly taking care of request book with the sort of customer who wouldn’t object over the cost, so no issue there.

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I then, at that point, proceeded to examine duplication amounts with Harry, and we settled on an underlying 300 duplicates of our principle title, and he provided me with a statement. Just to fulfill organization necessities, I additionally asked another two organizations whose delegates had gotten back to me for statements for 300 Blu-beam DVDs too. As it turned out, there wasn’t much in the three costs, so I stayed with Harry as we had struck up a business relationship now.

Circle and Packaging Artwork

My involvement in program bundles implied that I could assemble the work of art for the Blu-beam DVD and the bundling myself. Harry provided me with work of art formats, and I will pressure now how significant it was for me to talk about this with Harry as he had the option to assist me with staying away from botches that would be expensive as far as task timing, for example,

The ideal way of providing a plate work of art is as a 123mm square picture at 300dpi. The printable DVD surface is 120mm in the distance across with a 25mm width focal opening. The extra 3mm around the edge is a drain stipend, and you want to leave around 4mm of freedom from the external edge and inward circle edge for any text, especially if the craftsmanship is to be screen printed.

Make sure that any visual pictures to be utilized are not very dull; some of the time, dim photographs may look extraordinary on a screen yet less than ideal when printed. This goes for print on the plates and on the bundling.

The Blu-beam DVD bundling layouts that Harry provided us with considered 3mm of drain around all the external edges and, once more, take into account a 4mm freedom from the external edges for any text.

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Assuming the fine art comprises of square tones and text, the circle can be screen printed which gives an incredible, energetic look to the completed plate. Brilliant or metallic inks can likewise be utilized in screen-printed plans.

On the off chance that the fine art is a visual picture or contains shading slopes, it should be lithographically printed, which is an extraordinary interaction for creating pin-sharp pictures at 300 dpi and upwards.

A blend of visual pictures and strong tones is undoubtedly not a smart thought as they would need to be litho printed, and this is certifiably not a decent cycle for steady, strong shading printing.

On the Blu-beam DVD bundling side of things, I was offered a decision of standard Blu-beam cases – a clear blue plastic case which is generally as old as a standard DVD case, or regular bundling types, for example, card wallets and gem cases. We needed to make an incredible initial feeling with this new item, so we took the Blu-beam DVD case choice as this empowered us to incorporate a carefully printed fold-over cover which slides into a reasonable plastic sleeve around the outside of the case and furthermore an 8-page guidance booklet that fits inside the case and is held set up by cuts that are formed into the case body.

Again I assumed the assignment of creating the fine art for the case covering and the guidance booklet. There are a couple of focuses here to observe, for example,

Exploit layouts to use as directed if your provider can get them to you.

The external case covering fine art ought to have a 3mm recompense for drain and attempt to keep any text whatsoever 4mm inside the external edge.

Know about the situation of the spine text looking into the issue cover (in the event that you want it). The spine on a classic Blu-beam DVD case is 14mm wide and will be set apart in the format. Ensure that your text is put midway in the spine region.

The equivalent drain and text recompenses are vital for the printed guidance booklet on the off chance that you really want to incorporate one. Additionally, observe how the booklet will be printed as the page request can be befuddling. For example, the external front of the booklet has the title page on the right-hand side and the back cover on the left; on the opposite side, it has page 1 on the left and the keep going page on the right. At the point when you see the outer cover collapsed, this will bode well.

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Except if the booklet is a solitary sheet, imprinted on one of the two sides, the booklet can just have products of 4 pages – for example, 4, 8, 12, 16, and so on because of the manner in which they’ve developed. If you don’t have that much substance, you can generally cushion it out with pictures.

Know about picture copyright. Assuming you’re not utilizing unique pictures possessed by you for the craftsmanship, ensure you source pictures from a stock picture site and that the copyright detail permits you to utilize the pictures on printed material that you mean to sell.

Blu-beam DVD Duplication

With the craftsmanship finished, submitted, and supported, the DVDs are printed. For this work, we went for litho printing as the picture was visual. When the circles are printed, they would then be able to be ignited with the video records in the duplication suite. The Blu-beam DVD duplication suite contains numerous duplication towers that are connected together “daisy chain” style. Every one of the pinnacles contains somewhere in the range of 11 and 40 optical drives like the Blu-beam composing drives that are accessible for work area PCs. The drives are totally constrained by a focal expert unit which is stacked with the video information to be singed to any remaining plates. Stacking and dumping of the plates are performed consequently by mechanical arms, which do the work rapidly and productively and eliminate the component of common human blunder. It would be an unimaginably monotonous task to take care of physically and would add a ton of time to the undertaking making it considerably more costly.

At the point when the DVDs have been copied, they are then shipped off to the bundling mechanical production system, where they are stuffed into the cases alongside the paper parts. They are then prepared for despatch.


I was fortunate to have tracked down a legitimate and educated provider; however, I did a decent lot of exploration prior to settling on a choice which I would ultimately prescribe to any other person who needs a Blu-beam DVD duplication provider. The final result was exceptionally excellent, and every one of our customers was reasonably dazzled and have since been in contact to enquire about the following item. I trust this article will be helpful to others searching for this assistance and that the expected entanglements and time killers above can stay away from for a smoothed out and productive venture.